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Baby Girl's 1st Year Birthday Dress

Baby Girl's 1st Year Birthday Dress


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Free shipping 9 - 15 Business days

This Baby Girl's 1st Year Birthday Dress is the perfect choice for your little one's special day. Crafted from soft, breathable fabric, this dress is designed to be both comfortable and stylish. It features a delicate floral print and ruffles on the sleeves and hem, making this the perfect princess dress. Make her first birthday extra special with this adorable dress.


Style: Formal

Sleeve Length(cm): Full

Season: Four Seasons

Pink Red Purple Yellow: 0-24 month infant baby dresses

Pink Flower Girl Dress For Wedding: Christmas Costume For Girl

Material: Polyester,Viscose,Lace,Voile

Cute Girls Full Sleeve Clothes: Newborn Baby Dresses Up

Collar: O-neck

Autumn/Winter Clothes For Girl: Toddler Girl New Year Dress

Age Range: 7-12m,13-24m,25-36m,4-6y

0-5 Years Little Baby Prom: 12-Month Girls Vestidos


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